Classical Meets Cheer at Great Hearts Roosevelt

Great Hearts Roosevelt March 19, 2024

Members of the Great Hearts Roosevelt Spirit Squad

Great Hearts Roosevelt launched a groundbreaking enrichment program with its new Spirit Squad, catapulting girls beyond mere high-flying stunts to soar with unprecedented confidence, thanks to a robust mentorship framework spanning across grades.

Esther Parsons, the Family Giving and Community Engagement Officer at Great Hearts Roosevelt was approached by the athletic director about putting together a spirit squad for the school. Parsons admits she didn’t expect a lot of interest from students and was surprised when 25 girls turned out for the first practice. “No experience, no cheer background. They just came out because they wanted to cheer for our basketball team,” she said.

Great Hearts Roosevelt Spirit Squad cheering during a basketball game

The newly formed squad has cheered on the Roosevelt Aces at basketball games as well as performed choreographed stunting and dances for the fans at every halftime. “I’ve been so surprised. They have just wowed me with their hard work and their effort on performance day.” Parsons admits she tears up a bit after almost every performance. “I’m so proud of the work that they put into it and how well that they perform because of their hard work.”

The Spirit Squad is providing a vibrant school community, instilling a sense of pride, and promoting holistic development among students. While academics form the core of classical education, a well-rounded educational experience encompasses more than just scholarly pursuits.

Parsons has noticed a markable difference is school spirit since the formation of the spirit squad. The enthusiasm shown at sporting events has uplifted the entire student body, where students are not only academically engaged but also emotionally invested in their school community.

Members of the Great Hearts Roosevelt Spirit Squad doing a stunt

Besides enhancing school spirit during games, the squad has fostered some unexpected results. Parsons says it has served as a great mentorship experience for the wide age-range of students involved. “It has really helped our fifth graders look up to the older girls and get them used to what’s going to be happening when they’re going into prep next year. It has also helped the older girls become leaders and learn what it takes to be a leader when someone’s looking up to you. It has brought them together as a team.”

Members of the Great Hearts Roosevelt Spirit Squad doing stunts

The community that has been formed provides a platform for students from diverse backgrounds to come together, work collaboratively, and form lasting friendships. It creates a shared experience between students that would not have otherwise engaged with one another, while helping students develop social skills, empathy, and respect for one another.

Classical education emphasized the cultivation of virtues, but that is not limited to the classroom. “We teach them all of the virtues that come along with Great Hearts and pursuing Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. We teach them why. What is the whole point of a spirit squad – we are here to cheer on a team. We’re here to bring the community together.”

Members of the Great Hearts Roosevelt Spirit Squad

While the addition of a spirt squad and cheer may seem outside of the box in a classical setting, this team has proven it can become an integral part of the classical education framework, contributing to the development of the whole student, and enhancing the overall school environment.

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